18 Şubat 2016 Perşembe

Eugene Mirabelli The Language Nobody Speaks

Kimsenin Konuşmadığı Dil

Bedenlerimizin dilinin romanı.Bedenlerimizin konuştuğu dili ne kadar biliyoruz?

New Yorklu yazar Eugene Mirabelli, biri genç, biri yaşlı iki çiftin öykülerinden yola çıkarak tensel tutkunun gramerini, erotik yaşamın karmaşık doğasını açığa çıkarıyor; kadın ve erkeğin iç manzaralarını benzersiz bir anlatımla betimlerken, akla başkaldıran karşı konulmaz dürtülerin dolambaçlarında geziniyor.
Kimsenin Konuşmadığı Dil, günümüzün cinsellik, aşk ve şehvet burgacında hızla akıp giden sarsıcı bir roman. Sarsıcı, çünkü yaşamın anlamını keşfetmek için ne yapmamız gerektiğini araştırıyor. Mirabelli’nin yapıtı, güzelliğe ve bedene tapınmanın öyküsünü anlatıyor…kuşkusuz, ölümün hep ayırdında oluşumuzun da…

Yayın Yönetmeni: Cem Mumcu
Yayıma Hazırlayanlar: Deniz Koç, Duygu Şimşek
Kapak Tasarımı: 2 Tasarım/Mehmet Ulusel Sayfa Sayısı: 133

Eugene Mirabelli was born in 1931 in Arlington, Massachusetts, and began writing and publishing in 1952. He has received awards and grants for his work, including the distinguished Rockefeller Grant, and has been anthologized and published in Czech, French, Hebrew, Polish, Russian, and Sicilian. His novel, The Language Nobody Speaks, is one of the very few erotic novels from the West to be translated and published in Muslim Turkey.

Kitabın orijinal kapağı

Eugene Mirabelli's novel, The Language Nobody Speaks, deciphers the language of our bodies, the grammar of passion. As Erin, the fiery young heroine of the novel, says, "Our bodies are another language, but no one speaks it. People just shout at each other and make noise and call it making love." In this swift, cinematic story set in the early 1950s, we are drawn to the young lovers Erin and Bart. Their hunger for each other is simple, dramatic, and full of hope.
But as Erin and Bart find themselves, even against their will, getting ever more deeply involved with an older married couple, the nature of erotic life begins to reveal itself as far richer and darker than they had imagined. The older couple, Lida and Hollis Lord, have an erotic life too, but theirs is stained with biography and with history, with all those things that an older married couple take with them wherever they go, even to bed. Meeting quite literally by accident in Albany, New York, the two couples decide on the spur of the moment to visit the nearby resort town of Saratoga, where their increasing involvement leads them into further explorations at the Lords' isolated country house deep in the Berkshires. As the marriage of Lida, a sculptor, and Hollis, an art critic, unwinds in their long struggle to achieve meaning in their lives, young Erin and Bart spin closer and closer to knowledge of bodies and what they can lead us to do. The Language Nobody Speaks is a rapid, turbulent, slyly humorous story about passion and sensuality and what we do to find meaning in life.

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